The 2002 Spooky Awards are officially over! Congratulations to the winners!


For the 2003 Spooky Awards, go

A little note from a coordinator...

This was, by far, the most stressful fall/winter I have gone through yet! Part of it was due to real life, but co-coordinating these awards turned out to be far more time consuming (not to mention nerve-wracking) than I ever anticipated! Much of the time I got the impression that we were being the worst coordinators in the history of the Spookys because I had so many people screaming at us and telling us that basically everything we were doing was wrong. However, this made me appreciate even more the messages from voters, readers and nominees who gave us compliments and thanked us for taking on such a huge job. To those people I would like to say thank you. Your encouragement and praise helped us get through these last several months.
I would also like to thank our volunteers, without whom I would probably have ended up in a straitjacket and surrounded by walls made of Nerf. ;) Lara, SLS, Deslea, Logan, Donna Hartnett, Foxsong, Missy, Bonnie, Ann, Sunny, Mori, Caroline, Tamra, philiater, Kristine, alice ttlg, Cindy, Ursula, Sarah, jl_foxy, Kat, Cassie, Laura, jeri, Kristen, Teejay, and Scully03776. And a special thanks to my co-coordinator, Mrs. Fish. Thanks guys! It may not have been smooth sailing, but we made it through. I couldn't have done it without all of you. Thanks for putting up with me. You were great! :)
This experience has had a significant impact on my life...mostly positive. ;) I don't regret volunteering to do it, although I probably wouldn't be saying that if it wasn't over. ;) I apologize to everybody with whom I have been impatient or rude. These last few months have shown me that "Minnesota Nice" is not necessarily reliable in all situations. I realize that's no excuse for snipping at people who didn't deserve it, but I am not Mother Teresa and I was not prepared for the amount of stress that came with the job. I apologize.
The torch has been passed. Your new coordinator for 2003 is alice ttlg. Be nice to her, she's a very sweet lady. :)
To Alice and potentially-eligible current and future authors, I wish you luck in 2003! May the force be with you. ;)

~Diandra Hollman
2002 Spooky Awards co-coordinator and voting coordinator