Title: Yearning for More (1/1) Author: L. M. Shard Date: May/June 2002 E-Mail: lsshard@cox.net Website: www.geocities.com/thefoxandhoundx_filessite Rating: PG-13 Category: S, A, R Keywords: DSR Spoilers: Seasons 8 and 9 Feedback: Yes, please! Archive: Probably anywhere, just ask first. Disclaimer: Doggett, Scully, Mulder, and Reyes belong to Chris Carter, 1013, and Fox. Thanks: to Diandra, Tony, and Meg for previewing this story and giving me some great ideas to make it better.You guys are awesome! Author's Note: William does not exist in this story, nor does the series finale "The Truth". Summary: As Scully finally realizes what she wants, it might be taken away from her. YEARNING FOR MORE By: L. M. Shard John Doggett and I were in a Bureau-issued car, heading home from an out-of-state case that turned out to be a lot of work, but not an x-file.It was nearing 9:00 pm and I sat with my head leaning against the headrest, my eyes closed, grateful that John had offered to drive us home.The night before I had had practically no sleep, having had to do an autopsy until the wee hours of the morning.Luckily we were able to wrap the rest of the case up quickly after that and were finally headed home after three long days. Another four hours to go and we'd be back in our own beds. Although the case had kept us busy most of those three days, I had found myself doing a lot of thinking about my life and where it was headed.Now, in the lulling vibration of the car, was no exception.Maybe it was because I was getting older, but lately I felt like I was missing something, that my life seemed one-dimensional and that it was lacking in all aspects other than my career.I loved my career at the FBI, each day different from the last, and was lucky enough to have co-workers with whom I actually enjoyed working. But as much as it had fulfilled me over the years, it was now no longer enough.I yearned for more. I was ready for something else in my life other than just my job.I was tired of going home to an empty apartment and an empty bed.I had hoped for many years that Mulder was the one who would fill my bed, as he filled my heart, but I finally realized that his search for "the truth" was a much more powerful pull on him than a romantic relationship with me could ever be.What made that realization all the more clear was when he had "returned from the dead" after his abduction.I thought that that was the time -- if there ever was one -- in which he would show me his love in a more tangible, physical way, but it never happened, much to my disappointment.I knew he loved me, that was a fact, and I loved him, but the love that I had hoped would be a romantic one, was really just an intense spiritual one, yet an everlasting one nonetheless.Now that I had accepted this in my mind, I felt free to find the romantic love that I so craved elsewhere. And that thought brought me to my partner, John Doggett. How I had hated him when I had first met him!How he had accused me of not knowing Mulder as much as I thought I did; how he had put that doubt in my mind, if only for an instant, and then to find out that he would be my new partner in the search for Mulder -- that was just the icing on the cake, and, boy, did I resist and resent it!But much to my surprise, John won me over with his respect toward me, his hard work, his cutting-through-the-crap attitude, and, most of all, his tenacity in his search for Mulder.He had promised me on more than one occasion that he would find Mulder for me, and, by God, he did everything in his power to do just that.He had proven to me over and over that he was a man that I could count on, a man that would be there for me if I needed him, a man who did not shy away from what was right, and a man that I could trust -- something I had learned not to do lightly.There was something else I had learned about John Doggett, actually something more about myself, and that was that I was incredibly attracted to him and that attraction had become even stronger in these last few days, perhaps because I had finally stopped denying it and allowed myself to admit it, but also because I felt "freer". The thought of the man sitting next to me put a smile on my face in spite of myself.I let his image float unreservedly upon my eyelids and allowed my mind to delve into the mostly unexplored feelings I had for him.I thought of the many intense looks he had bestowed upon me over the last two years and the many glances he had assumed I never noticed.But I had noticed all right, yet it wasn't until recently that I had allowed myself to take in their meaning. I was about to probe into those meanings when I felt the car turn off the road. Rather groggily I opened my eyes and laid them on John. "What's up?" He turned briefly to look at me and answered, "I didn't mean to wake you.Just thought I'd fill the tank.There's no way we can make it home on what we've got left and it doesn't look like there's gonna be another gas station for quite a while." "Oh.I wasn't sleeping, just resting," I said, stretching my tired limbs. He pulled the car into the gas station and looked over at me, giving me a big smile."If you say so." I returned his smile and he gazed into my eyes.Even in the dim light I could see how handsome he was and it made my heart pound a little faster.There was a slightly odd look in his eye and perhaps a flush on his cheeks -- unless that was my imagination -- like maybe he knew that I had been thinking about him, although that certainly could not have been the case.Hopefully he hadn't caught that smile I couldn't hold in earlier as I was allowing his face to float freely on the private screens of my eyelids. "Can I get you anythin'?" he asked, seemingly reluctant to leave the car and actually end the gaze we shared.I felt brave with my newfound "freedom" and allowed our gaze to linger without hurry, instead of breaking it, as I usually would have done. "No, thanks," I replied simply and then added a slight smile. I suddenly didn't want him to leave the car. "Okay, be back in a minute," he said and got out. I watched him walk toward the small mini mart that was part of the gas station, admiring the way his jeans hugged his hard ass just perfectly.I fanned myself, feeling a flush creep over my face, then checked out our surroundings.It looked like we were in the middle of nowhere, for other than the gas station we were at, there was absolutely nothing else to see.The road stretched on infinitely into the darkness and there was not even one light that shown through the night.We certainly were still very far from home. The moment John walked into the mini mart a bad feeling overcame me.That feeling was confirmed just seconds later as the sound of a gunshot rang out into the still night air. An intense fear gripped me and I grabbed my own gun and sprinted to the building, flying in at warp speed. I was greeted by the horrific sight of a man dressed entirely in black, waving a gun frantically from John, who was lying on the floor with a rapidly spreading bloodstain on his shirt, to the market attendant.The cash register was open and the attendant was hurriedly filling a plastic bag with handfuls of money. John had been shot!My heart pounded so loudly in my ears that I barely heard myself scream, "FBI!" before I shot the suspect in the leg. "Drop it!"I yelled, now aiming my gun straight at the suspect's chest.More than anything I wanted to run over to John, who was lying frighteningly still. Amazingly the suspect did as told, more out of shock than will I assumed, and I ran over to him, kicking his gun out of reach and cuffing him roughly to a nearby shelving unit. "Call 911!" I shouted to the dumbstruck attendant as I rushed over to John's side. "John!John!" I said, tearing open his blood-drenched shirt, my medical mind quickly taking in the damage.He was shot square in the chest, quite close to his heart, but with all the blood it was hard to tell.One thing I knew for sure was that it was bad. I straddled him, ripped off the long sleeve of my blouse and put it to his wound, applying constant pressure, hoping to cease his profuse bleeding.With my free hand I touched his face.It was deathly pale and felt cold and clammy.My adrenaline pumped faster. "John!Please open your eyes!"I tried hard to keep the desperation out of my voice, but a tremendous fear raced through my veins. Suddenly his eyes fluttered open and focused on mine. "How do I look, Doc?" he said with a weak grin. A surge of joy washed away a tiny bit of the fear that raged within me and I said, "You're going to be fine, John.The paramedics are on their way.Just keep looking at me." Another weak smile from John as he whispered, "Gladly. Dana..." I saw a change in his eyes and it scared me."Yes?"My face was just inches from his, just far enough away to still be able to focus on his eyes.I knew keeping him conscious at this point was critical. "I...want to...tell you...something..." he said so quietly I had to strain to hear.His words had a finality to them, and a new wave of fear spread through me like fire on gasoline. "John, you have plenty of time to tell me," I said, knowing this was an outright lie if the paramedics didn't get here soon.Where the hell were they?!"Save your strength," I whispered, absently brushing my fingers through his hair. Suddenly his hand was on my cheek, gently caressing it. Even in my scared-shitless, adrenaline-riddled state, his touch caused involuntary tingles down my spine.His eyes had turned a deep, midnight blue and it frightened me, but his gaze never left mine, holding it as he had just minutes earlier in the car. "Dana, I...I...lo..." he started and then his hand fell from my face to the floor with a quiet thud, his eyes closing. Full-blown panic gripped my heart."No!John!John! Open your eyes!" I screamed, tears that I had been holding back in an effort not to worry him, now coming down my face in an uncontrollable torrential stream. "Where are the paramedics?" I yelled frantically to the attendant.God, if they didn't get here soon -- I didn't even want to think about that. "We're out in the boonies, Ma'am.They're on their way," he replied, looking like he felt incredibly helpless."Can I do something to help?" "No," I said absently then turned my attention back to my partner. "John, don't you do this to me!Don't you dare die on me!I need you!You hear?I need you!" I practically screamed at his deathly-still body. My blouse sleeve was long soaked with his blood and I quickly ripped my other sleeve off as well, pressing it to his wound. With a bloody hand I gently patted his face, hoping to awaken him, then checked his pulse.It was still there, but incredibly weak.I let my head fall in the crux of his neck, careful to not put my weight on him, tears soaking his shirt collar. "John," I sobbed quietly into his ear, "Please hold on. There's so much I want to tell you, so much I want to live with you.I love you, John.I--" At that moment the paramedics burst through the door.I quickly got off of John and briefed them on his condition. Immediately, they hooked him up to an IV, applied pressure to the gunshot wound with a sterile bandage, and loaded him onto a stretcher. By now the police had arrived as well, and I hastily handed them my business card, telling them that they could reach me at the hospital. Luckily they understood my reason for needing to leave the scene of the crime and told me they'd be meeting up with me later that night. John was already loaded into the ambulance and I quickly climbed in with him.The ride to the hospital seemed endless and until they could open his chest to see what the actual damage was, there was nothing they could do.So I held his hand, whispered in his ear, and prayed while the medics did their job. We finally arrived at the hospital and after several minutes of arguing with the nurses they allowed me to be present in the operating room during John's surgery.I watched the entire two-hour procedure through tear-filled eyes and prayed like never before.At one point I left the OR and called Monica, telling her the awful news and asking her to contact his parents. I found a chair and fell into it, letting my anguished tears flow unhindered. "Please, God," I prayed, "Don't take him now.You know what a good man he is and I need him so much!I love him, God, please, please give me the chance to tell him and show him how much.Please don't take him away from me!" I prayed and prayed and prayed, until suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up.A couple of the cops from the crime scene stood before me. "Agent Scully, I'm Officer McKenna and this is Officer Roberts.We are very sorry about your partner and if you'd rather we talk to you later, we understand." I was rather touched by their understanding demeanor, but wanted to get this over with, for I knew that as soon as John was in recovery, I'd want to be with him and not have to answer a bunch of questions. "Now's okay," I said, wiping away my tears, not caring that I looked a complete mess.Then I told them all I knew. About fifteen minutes later they were satisfied and left me alone in my misery. Noticing my hands were still covered in John's blood, I made my way to the ladies room.As I washed my hands, I watched the blood flow off of my skin and swirl down the drain.Fresh tears fell from my eyes into the sink and with blurred vision I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. Dried blood covered my cheeks and streaks of pale skin showed through where my tears had cleaned a path.My white blouse, now sans sleeves, was spattered in blood as well.I looked like something out of a horror movie and quickly threw the cool water over my face. I was just drying myself with a paper towel when a nurse came up to me, informing me that John's surgery was complete and that he had been moved to the recovery room. With the nurse's directions, I hurriedly found his room and walked in.A doctor stood at John's side and he immediately came over to me. "You're his FBI partner?" the doctor asked. "Yes, I'm Agent Dana Scully.I'm also a medical doctor, so please give it to me straight; how is he?" "The bullet just missed the superior vena cava by a millimeter, but he still lost a significant amount of blood. We gave him several transfusions and his prognosis is good. He should be coming out of the anesthesia soon.He is one lucky man." I breathed a heavy sigh of relief."Thank you, Doctor.Can I sit with him?" "Of course," he said and left the room. He was going to be okay!"Thank you, God, thank you, God," chimed in my head as I took the few steps to his bedside.I leaned against the bed, took his hand gently in mine, and looked at the man I loved lying motionless, countless tubes and monitors attached to him.Even as a medical doctor who had seen people hooked up like this so many times before, seeing John Doggett like this scared me. I had to keep reminding myself that his doctor had just told me he would be okay. With my other hand, I gently stroked his face, tracing the outline of his intensely masculine features.A day's worth of stubble had formed on his cheeks and chin and I brushed over it, enjoying the scratchy feeling, hoping that one day I would be lucky enough to feel it while he kissed me. As I stood by his side for the next hour, I thought about if there was the possibility that this man, this wonderful, strong, loyal, and caring man before me, could actually love me.Recollecting the protectiveness and selflessness he had shown me over the last two years, the pain in his eyes when I had sent him out of my home and did not trust him, and the countless looks he had given me with those incredibly intense eyes of his -- looks I had ignored for far too long -- I came up very hopeful that he did return my feelings, but was unsure of my relationship with Mulder and therefore had not acted on them.I certainly hoped that was the case, for I planned on telling him my heart when he woke up.If God was going to give me another chance, there was no way I was going to let it pass. Once again I stroked his face with my hand, letting my fingers end up ruffling through his hair.As I stared at him, he appeared to have a most peaceful statement on his face. I was suddenly tempted to kiss his lips, and without giving the action a second thought, I did.The kiss was feather- soft, tender, and all-too brief, but I found my body humming with joy and excitement nonetheless. Then like Sleeping Beauty, he awoke.His eyelids fluttered open and his gaze, clouded and unfocused, struggled to find mine.When it did, a slow smile crept upon his lips and his eyes began to shine with vitality, despite the heavy drugs he was still under.I was amazed at their color: a brilliant Ceylon sapphire blue, more vibrant than I had ever seen them.My heart filled with love and an overwhelming wave of bliss as I realized he truly was going to be okay. "Hi," I choked out through a lump in my throat.My emotions were on high.I flashed him a radiant smile. A confused statement suddenly came over his face and he let out a small rumbling groan.He opened his mouth as if to speak, yet no words passed his lips for several seconds, then finally, "Green.I...like it." I was totally puzzled at the meaning of his words, if they even had a meaning at all.I stroked his forehead with my fingers and said soothingly, "John, you're in the hospital. You had surgery, but you're going to be just fine." With my words his eyes became even more unfocused and rolled back into his head as his lids slowly lowered and he fell into a drug-induced unconsciousness again. Even though I knew he was under the influence of heavy doses of painkillers, when he had initially opened his eyes and had seen me, I was so thrilled when I thought he had recognized me, and then so disappointed when I realized he was in an incoherent daze.As a doctor I knew he'd be like this for a while, at least until his anesthesia wore off, but as a woman who was in love with this man, I wanted him to be talking to me with that sexy, raspy voice of his right off the bat.I wanted him to know I was there for him; I wanted him to know that I loved him and would do anything for him. As the hours passed, he awoke a couple more times with the same unintelligible babble.I just held his hand and reassured him that everything was okay.My ministrations seemed to soothe him and that in turn soothed my heart. Finally, in the wee hours of the night, he awoke again, appearing more focused.My hopes were high that he might recognize me now and I took his hand in mine and with a big smile I said, "Hi." "Hi," he responded groggily, returning my smile.The way he looked at me was so warm, I felt myself melting. "You're going to be okay," I gushed, barely able to contain my happiness and relief. "Sorry if I worried you," he whispered, completely coherent. He squeezed my hand weakly. A sudden flood of tears threatened to spill out as the fear of losing him hit me like a bus once again.I squeezed my eyes shut and whispered, "I was so scared.I thought I was going to lose you."A single tear escaped as I opened my eyes again. "You're never gonna lose me," he said, his eyelids struggling to stay open. My heart suddenly began to race at his words.What did he mean by them?Could it be? "Dana..." It looked like he was trying very hard to tell me something, but his fatigue and the effects of the drugs were taking over again. "So tired..." he breathed, his eyes closed now. "You rest, John.I'm not going anywhere.We have plenty of time to talk later," I said soothingly as I brushed my fingers gingerly over his forehead and into his hair."You rest." Once again he slipped into unconsciousness, but this time I knew he was going to be okay, that he was just sleeping. Hours passed and when the nurses realized I wasn't going to be leaving John's side for anything, they brought me a plain white T-shirt with the hospital logo on it and rolled in a narrow bed.I accepted both gratefully, put on the fresh shirt, and fell asleep instantly. It must have been late morning by the time I rolled over and gazed in John's direction, for this time there was enough light in the room that I could actually see him clearly and I was thrilled to find him looking at me.Immediately, I got up and walked the few steps to his side. "Good morning," I smiled brightly at him. He smiled back at me.I could tell the high dose of morphine they were keeping him on was still leaving him in a haze. "How do you feel?" "Better now that your beautiful face is in front of me," he said with a little sly grin."You're a vision." I felt my cheeks flush a burning red.Obviously the drugs were affecting his brain!Then to my further surprise, he lifted his hand to my face and traced his thumb tenderly over my lips, letting it linger like it was the most natural gesture between us.My eyes closed involuntarily at the titillating sensation and, to my horror, a small groan escaped my parted lips.I tore my eyes open at the sound and my face flushed a deep crimson yet again, but the evidence of the effect of his touch was already pooled in my panties. "I need ya, baby," he said in a rough, desire-laden voice. "John..." I croaked, attempting to regain my composure.I did not know what to say.Then his hand fell softly to his side and his eyes slowly closed as his body floated off into the wake of unconsciousness again.I was simultaneously relieved and disappointed that he was no longer touching me so intimately, my body still humming as his words reverberated in my head.I need ya, baby.I need ya, baby. Moments later the nurse came in to check on him again and informed me that Monica and his parents were in the waiting room.Collecting myself, I gently squeezed his hand and walked out to greet them. Upon seeing me, Monica immediately was at my side, the concern in her face obvious.An older couple joined us and I assumed that they were John's parents for I could see that they both resembled John: the man had the same electric blue eyes as John as well as the same unmistakable ears, and the woman had the same nose structure as he, although on the slightly smaller side. "Dana, this is Danielle and Robert Doggett," Monica introduced. "I'm sorry to meet you under such circumstances, but I have good news," I said as I shook their hands."John is doing fine."All three let out an audible sigh of relief."The bullet just missed the main vein going to his heart and the doctors were able to stop the bleeding and repair the damage.He is under heavy pain medication, but he has awoken several times since the surgery and seems fine.His doctor says he will make a full recovery." "Can we see him?"Danielle Doggett asked eagerly. "Of course.He's sleeping now, but if he wakes up, just remember that he's under medication, so he may be a bit groggy and unfocused, even incoherent," I warned them, secretly hoping he wouldn't display such intimate affection toward me in front of them as he had earlier."Please follow me." A minute later the four of us were gathered around his bedside.His mother took his hand in hers and stroked her son's forehead.Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke, "John, Dad and I are here for you.You just sleep and keep getting better.We'll be here when you wake up."She leaned down and gently kissed his cheek then stepped aside to give her husband closer access to him. "Hi, son," he said, then fell silent.I could see that emotion had taken his voice and that he was struggling to hold in his tears.He stepped back, apparently needing the space to regain his composure. Monica took this opportunity to give John a gentle hug, then leaned toward his ear and whispered something in it.I suddenly felt a pang of jealously at her act; the gesture seemed so intimate.The jealousy within me rose even further as her whispered words apparently brought John out of his sleep. "Hi," he croaked out as his parents and Monica surrounded him.I suddenly felt that this was a private moment between them and I stepped out of the room. I took this time to wash my face and run a comb through my hair in the hospital restroom.How John could have thought I looked like "a vision" was beyond me: my eyes were still slightly red and puffy from all the crying I had done and I didn't have a trace of makeup left on my face.The man was obviously delusional. Refreshed, I walked out of the restroom and toward the waiting room, running into Monica on the way there. "John's asking for you, Dana," she said. My heart gave a little jump for joy at her words."Thanks, Monica," I said and made my way back to his room. His parents were still at his side when I entered and moved aside as I approached. "He just fell asleep again, but he was asking for you," Danielle Doggett said, looking rather lovingly in my eyes. She then took my hand and said, "I have a feeling my son cares for you deeply." I was shocked at her words and embarrassment crept into my cheeks.What had he said to her in his drug-induced state?Then to my own amazement I heard myself telling her, "I care for him deeply too." She smiled."I thought you might.The nurses told me you haven't left his side since he arrived here.He's lucky to have someone like you to watch over him." "I'm the lucky one, Mrs. Doggett.He has been the one watching over me these past two years.He's been a blessing in my life.Your son is an exceptional man." She smiled again."That he is.And, please, call me Danielle." "Then you must call me Dana, Danielle," I smiled at her.I liked this woman; she seemed so loving, straightforward, and genuine, just like her son. "We are flying out tonight, after visiting hours," she informed me. "He's in good hands.And I promise I won't leave his side. I'll keep you updated on his condition." "That would be great," she said, digging into her purse.She found a pen and paper, scribbled something, then handed it to me."This is our phone number.Call me any time, any hour." "Of course, Mrs. D--Danielle.But not to worry; John is on his way to a full recovery." She smiled."In your hands, I'm sure he will be." Hours later all visitors were urged to leave the hospital, but with my doctor's credentials behind me and a good dose of pleading the nurses allowed me to stay again.I walked the Doggetts and Monica out of the building.His parents were already sitting in the car as Monica pulled me aside. "He needs you, Dana."I had a feeling that this was not the easiest thing for Monica to say.I had known for some time that she was in love with John as well and had often wondered why she and John had never gotten together. "I'll take good care of him," I promised. "His health...and his heart," she practically whispered. I nodded.I wanted to tend to all of him, especially his heart. She gave me a small smile, hugged me, then turned and headed for the car.I watched them drive off: three people that loved John deeply and they were not the only ones. Three more days passed, much like the first.John slept for the most part, waking occasionally, but with the heavy painkillers they were pumping into his veins, the conversations we did have were short and not completely lucid, on his part anyway.But he knew I was there and I got the feeling that he now expected to see me every time he opened those indigo eyes of his.I was more than happy to oblige -- those were the moments I lived for these last few days and there was nowhere on earth that I'd rather be. It was in the early morning of the fifth day that John was most lucid, something I had rather been expecting since the doctor had decreased his pain medication the night before. I had just turned around on my cot to check on him, as I did several times a night, when his gaze caught mine.His eyes were so intense and they stared into mine unwaveringly as if they were trying to see into my soul.So I let him.I did not break the gaze as I climbed out from under the covers and walked the couple steps over to him. Instantly he took my hand in his and a warmth that matched the look in his eyes entered me though my palm.For several minutes we said nothing as we drank each other in. His eyes were clear and focused, the foggy veil of the drugs long gone. Suddenly he spoke, his voice soft and raspy."As I was lyin' on the floor of that mini mart, I heard what you said to me, what you whispered in my ear." His eyes studied me intently as the words passed over his lips and he must have seen all my emotions run clearly through my features: first fear, then vulnerability, then acceptance, then confirmation, and finally love.This was my chance, the second chance God had given me by sparing John Doggett, and I wasn't going to waste it. "I do love you, John, so very much," I said, my voice thick with deep emotion. His smile was like the sun."That was what I was tryin' to tell you myself," he said. Butterflies buzzed in my stomach and my heart pounded in my chest as tears formed in my eyes. "I love you, Dana." With those words the tears spilled down my cheeks; they were tears of joy and a great, great love."Oh, John," I gushed, my entire being flooding with elation. "C'mere," he breathed, putting his hand behind my head and pulling me towards him. Our lips met in a gentle, love-filled kiss.His touch was so tender, my body melted into his and my lips parted, inviting him in.And then he was inside me, his tongue leisurely tangling with mine, sliding in and out, caressing my lips, exploring my depths, making me swoon with the sheer sensation.I felt heady and drunk and I opened myself completely as he kissed me, making love to my mouth with his lips and tongue in utter abandon and need. After several minutes we parted reluctantly and just stared into each other's eyes, communicating in silence.We were still panting when we heard someone come into the room. "Cover me," he whispered quickly, and one look at the tent in his sheets, made it crystal clear what he meant.I pulled the blanket at his feet over him as a nurse approached us. "I see you're awake, Mr. Doggett.And you seem to have good color in your cheeks.That's a great sign.I'll tell the doctor right away," she said, marking down some information on his chart and then heading for the door. "Oh, and Mr. Doggett, you have some visitors here to see you.I'll send them in right after the doctor checks you out." "Thank you, nurse," he said. We looked at each other and giggled like teenagers caught in the back seat of a car. "Look what you do to me, woman," he said, a big grin on his face. "If you could only see what you do to me!"I replied, feeling the wetness that had pooled between my thighs.The grin on his face got even bigger and he pulled me into another passionate kiss, just as the doctor walked in. "I see you're feeling much better, Mr. Doggett," the doctor said with a smirk on his face. John cleared his throat."Yes, Doctor.So does that mean I can get outta here today?" he asked in a hopeful tone. "Let's not jump the gun here, Mr. Doggett.You know you had major surgery," the doctor said, looking at his chart. "Your vitals are normal; that's an excellent sign.Are you feeling any pain anywhere other than your chest?" "Not really, just some soreness around the rib cage, but it's really not that bad," John said, looking at me.I smiled. "Well that's because you're still on a low dose of morphine now, but once that wears off, you'll be feeling it more prominently.That soreness you describe is to be expected. I'll prescribe some pain medication for you to take at home when needed." "So how much longer do you think I need to stay here?" John asked.I could tell he was antsy to get home. "Well things do look good and if they continue like this, I think tomorrow morning wouldn't be out of the question." "I'm gettin' better by the minute, Doctor," he threw me another glance. "I'll be making a list of instructions for you to take home. You will also need to change the dressing on your wound several times a day.I'll have a nurse show you how to do that." "I'll be taking care of that, Doctor," I said.John shot me a questioning, yet obviously pleased, glance."Is there anything else that needs to be done for his full recovery?" "No, he just needs plenty of rest and no great physical activity until the wound has healed." I looked at John for his reaction to the last part of that sentence and I could see clear disappointment written all over his face. "Well then," said the doctor."I'll send your family in." "Thanks, Doctor," John said and then to me, "You called them again?" "Yes, I've been keeping your parents updated on your condition several times a day.And when I told them that they were lowering your pain medication last night and that I thought you'd be lucid by morning, they insisted that they wanted to come see you again." He took my hand in his."Thank you, Dana, for everything: for staying by my side all this time and for keeping my family in the loop." "They are such lovely people.You realize you haven't told me much about them or the rest of your family, don't you?" "Well that can all change, if you want it to." "I do.I want to know all about you, your family, your childhood, everything," I said. "Likewise," he said, smiling. I leaned close to him and whispered in the sexiest voice I could muster, "You know, there's a lot we can do that doesn't require much physical activity on your part." His ocean-hued orbs turned dark with desire as he gave me a stunning grin."I can't wait 'till you take me home," he whispered, his voice rough and deep.Then once again he claimed me in a kiss, sealing our love, and promising so much more. I heard his parents enter the room, yet John did nothing to hurry and finish our passionate kiss.Instead he took his time and, when we parted, he introduced me as the woman he loved.I was slightly embarrassed, but honored and proud at the same time.He really did love me; there wasn't a shred of doubt in my mind.My life felt complete. THE END