Night Ride Across the Caucasus by Politic X Part 4 See part 0 for header information. Scully winced. "No, Dana. No." She smiled sadly. Scully's lover? The thought overwhelmed her. "No, I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not anyone's girlfriend. I'd definitely remember if we were... If I was..." She trailed off, embarrassed at her inadequacy, at her inability to say how flattered she felt, or how miserable. The look on Scully's face was heartbreaking. "Don't you think I'd remember being your lover?" Monica hugged her arms to her chest. "Yours?" she emphasized. "I'm sorry, that's not my memory of us." 'Believe me.' "I believe what you're saying is what you think is the truth." 'But you think brain damage.' She shook her head. "I don't know what to think, Scully. Your memory's different from my memory. And both of our memories are different from everyone else's. No one knows about a case you were on. You said Doggett was with you and he wasn't. But no one believes that you were with me yesterday morning, either. How could they? You can't be with me and be across town getting shot at the same time." She looked away. "I didn't imagine you," she muttered. She was trying to convince herself of this more than Scully. Monica's thinking was muddied and she needed to sleep. When she looked again at the screen, Scully was watching her read. 'I didn't imagine you, either. I remember everything.' Monica didn't reply. The sadness in the room was palpable. She felt she was standing in the middle of a Salvador Dali painting, and that time was melting like tears around her. 'Ask me anything.' She shook her head. No. 'Mole inside left thigh, on right breast.' Chills swept over her body. 'Back problems since accident when 7.' She looked at Scully's face. It must be the coma or the brain injury causing her to "remember" these things that she had no way of knowing. Or maybe she was remembering them like Monica remembered Scully being at her loft. Maybe there were two realities. 'Not uninterested in finding birth parents, just afraid.' This was too much. Shock gave way to disbelief, and disbelief began turning to pain. 'Scar from 1st time shaving legs.' She covered her ears with her hands, but Scully's sound wasn't audible, and she couldn't mute it. 'You keep money in ginger jar. Lots, thousands.' She wouldn't let Scully see her face. She wouldn't let her see the recognition. 'Leather fetish.' She pulled a handkerchief from her jacket pocket - one of her leather jackets, as a matter of fact - and twisted it in her sweating hands. "Yeah," she said shakily. "That's not much of a secret." 'Way you use it in bed is.' Her head jerked up, her face aflame. In bed with Dana Scully. The vision of it reduced her to ashes. She buried her face in her hands again, hiding her tears. She didn't look up until Scully tapped. 'Told you, Reyes, I remember love. Waited all my life for you.' "Oh!" It came out as a strangled cry. She stuffed her fist against her mouth. 'Monica.' "No." She rocked back and forth, clutching her sides. "Please stop." She couldn't bear this. 'Reyes. Look at me. Stop looking at screen.' She looked at her, but couldn't meet her eyes for more than a second. She stared at the monitor instead. 'In love. Couldn't forget anything about you. Wanted to, sometimes. So believe me. My memory isn't impaired.' "No." She stood up. "It isn't true. It's not the truth I know." 'You still sleep with men?' "Still? What's that supposed to mean?" Scully didn't form a reply, just looked at her sadly. "We're not lovers, Scully." She saw the effect of her vehemence in Scully's eyes. "I've got to go. I'm sorry." She moved to the door. "I've got to go." The truth was, she believed her. Every word. Maybe it was an alternate universe, maybe it was missing time, maybe it was a parallel life. But she didn't doubt Scully's love. It was the way her eyes consumed Monica's body. It was the way they blazed with need. It was the way they scorched her that made Monica believe Scully's memory more than she believed her own. **** fIve Monica hadn't been gone long when she returned. "I haven't slept since Friday night, and I didn't sleep much then," she said, leaning heavily against the door. Her voice was raw, her hair a tangled mess, her eyes swollen and red. She was, as always, beautiful. "All I do is think about you. "So, I'm going to give you my theory. And I'm going to stay right here to do it. I don't want you telling me anything else about how you feel about me. Okay? I just can't take it right now. Maybe later we can discuss our memories and how they differ." Scully watched her, admiring Monica's courage and self-preservation. She was grateful she'd come back; she didn't think she'd see her again. "The problem's that we've got too many memories going on here, and who's to say which is correct? Maybe all of them are. I remember you were with me, you remember John was with you, John remembers being up to his knees in crawfish when Skinner called him with news you'd been shot, and nobody - not one of us - has a clue as to why you were in an alley in that part of town on a Saturday morning. But your story pans out to the extent that the only witness to your shooting is a man you name as John's murderer." She shook her head. "Even though John's not dead. "The only thing that explains any of it, including our - your - our love affair-" she waved her hand. "Is that you crossed into another world. Or something. You and Lukesh. There's a connection between you; maybe you stepped across the same boundary at the same time. The point is, he's lying and you're not." She sighed. "I want to be standing on the sidelines so I can sort things out, but I'm caught up in the middle, and it's all I can do to keep my bearing." She smiled wistfully. "You're not going insane, Scully. I believe you. I believe you're the sister of the Scully I know; a cosmic twin of some sort. You're from a different time or place, maybe a different world, with different events." She stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets. She sounded incredibly tired. "I think the important thing for us to learn here is that there are enormous similarities between your world and this one. That has to be significant. The fact that you and Mulder had a child together in both places..." Monica gave her an odd look. "The fact that you work on the X Files in both places must be significant of something. And the fact that we know each other in both places... "It makes me wonder if each of the choices we have every day isn't played out in a parallel universe. What if, in another world, I'm the one who goes on the stakeout, and I'm the one who's paralyzed? Or, take it a step further. What if there's another me in another universe who wasn't given up for adoption? What if I'm adopted by someone different in another world? Your mother, for instance? What if you and I are lovers in one world, and sisters in another? What if Mulder's our brother?" She took a breath. "What if there are a thousand universes? What if our souls traverse freely back and forth? I want to research the idea, to see what's out there. I need to refresh myself on philosophy and religion, because quantum physics is beyond me. If there are parallel universes - two or two thousand - it could explain a lot of things. Like synchronicity, or the experience of deja vous and premonitions." God, she loved her. Brilliant woman, thinking outside the box. She didn't always believe Monica's theories, but she always respected them. "I just wanted you to know that I didn't take anything you said to me lightly." She started to leave, but turned back. "I'm going after him." A hard look crossed her face. "It's not just what he did to you physically, but Lukesh took you out of your own world, Scully. He took you away from the one you love. He's going to pay for what he did to you." Oh, no. No! Lukesh would kill her! She tapped her finger against the box. She struggled to move, to make some sound. She pressed the nurse button rapidly and repeatedly. The light flashed outside her door. But Monica was already gone. **** sIx She did a 180 on Third and parked outside Starbucks. There was a parking meter, but she didn't have change, so she left the motor running and made the call from her car. Stephanie wasn't at home. She checked her watch. Maybe she had play practice, which seemed to be more often than not. She tried her cell. Steph answered on the first ring. "Hello?" "You picked up pretty quick. Expecting an important call?" "Yours. You okay?" "Yeah. Are you busy?" "Play practice. We're doing a run through. Blocking." "For school?" Stephanie took acting and directing work wherever she could find it. Sometimes this got in the way of her teaching, so sometimes she stopped teaching. Those were the times when she leaned on Monica the heaviest. "Yep." "What is it?" "Downstage. Erin! Downstage!" She yelled. "What? Oh, sorry, it's 'The Crucible.'" "Again? Didn't you just do it?" "A couple of years ago. It won state, babe. Gotta stick with the winners. Besides, I can't do 'Equus' around here." "Thank God for that." "I'm surprised they even let me rehearse on Sundays." She snorted. "Know what I mean? And why do you hate that play so much?" Stephanie sounded wired, like she was on caffeine again. Monica had never known her to be without a vice. "Never mind," she said. "I know why. So, what's up?" "I need to talk to you." "Talk." "No, it's going to be a long story, I think. I'll call you at home later." "I won't be home later, tell me now. Hang on, let me get some privacy." She heard her moving. "Hang on. Give me a minute." She heard shouting, but it was muffled. A minute later: "Can you hear me?" "Loud and clear." "Okay." Stephanie breathed hard. "Balcony, laser pointer in hand. They move wrong, they get it in the eye." Monica chuckled. "Just kidding." She sighed. "Well, not really." "It's about Scully." "Knew it was. How's she doing?" "She's... she's hanging in there." "I guess that's the most you can hope for." "She said that she's in love with me." "Whoa." Stephanie whistled. "Wow." "I just - I just don't understand it." "Honey, what's to understand? She's fallen for you - why wouldn't she?" "But, Stephanie-" "Don't even say it," she interrupted. "But, she's-" "Don't go there. Don't put your foot in your mouth," Stephanie warned. "But, I'm not ... I don't ... I can't return that love." "Why not? You adore her. You've been in Washington how long? Six, eight months? Do you know how much you talk about her?" "I just admire her. She's practically a legend. She could've been Director, Stephanie. There's not many women you can say that about." "Look, I know you have a lot of respect for her, but you've got to face some facts at some point." "What are you talking about?" "Quit - never mind." Stephanie was moving again - she could hear the swish of a skirt and the clunk of boots - and a door closed. The reception on the phone became a little worse. "Let me tell you something. Do you know what *I* know about her? Her name's Dana Scully. She's drop dead gorgeous, she's brilliant, she's my age. She has a baby boy that you helped to deliver in some backwoods God-forsaken part of Georgia. She's petite, has unbelievable hair." She paused. "She's perfectly manicured and made up every day. She has incredible blue eyes. She's risked her life more times than I've probably run my hose, and everything she does is for the good of our country. I'm in love with her and I've never even met the chick." (Continued in part 5)