Crossroads in Time (3/3) by Avalon See Headers in Part One Time had slipped by so quickly before he returned to her life. Now, as she waited for him to regain consciousness, it moved as slowly as a dying slug on hot cement. She sat sometimes alone, and sometimes with Emily, at his bedside. He had grown stronger, and most of the wires and tubes keeping him alive had been removed. The staff delivered him to a private room, and Emily brought photos in frames to dress up the space. She had waited that first day until Emily had fallen asleep in her chair, and then moved to the pictures, her curiosity burning bright and hot. There were three of them. Two showed Emily as she looked now, one with a boy at a formal dance, and the other an obvious school picture taken against a plain blue background. But she gazed at the last one for quite a long time. It was Mulder as she remembered him best, wearing one of his infernal gray t-shirts and a pair of straight-legged blue jeans. He crouched on the beach next to a tiny girl in a pink print sundress, holding an ice cream cone between them. Both of them sported a smear of chocolate on their chins, both were laughing, and the child clutched at his arm, trying to pull the treat closer to her. The _expression on her face riveted Dana to the spot. Emily. Just like Emily. Identical to her sister Melissa. Mulder had found her. Somewhere in New Mexico. He had adopted her, and she had grown into a beautiful young woman. Her daughter. Their daughter. The idea of it sent her mind reeling. But she didn't speak to Emily about it. She didn't ask any more questions about their past, and she didn't pry into their private lives. She locked her emotions away, keeping her voice and face as neutral as possible whenever Emily came to visit. But in the night, she cried at his bedside, pleading with God to allow her to know the truth. The days ticked by, one after another, like silent virgins walking an uphill path toward a waiting sacrificial volcano. ***** She shook open the front page of The New York Times and scanned through her glasses for something of interest. She had taken to reading the newspaper to him every morning, hoping that her voice would somehow lead him to consciousness, like the breadcrumb trail for Hansel and Gretel. Emily usually arrived around noon, and she would settle at his bedside to eat her lunch and chatter while Dana donned her doctor's scrubs for the afternoon shift. After her hours were up, she returned, and Emily went to sleep in her office...and then the routine began again. Thirteen days so far. She wondered often what the magical number in this equation would be. She found an article about the impending election and read the first couple of lines to him. "Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton announced yesterday at a Democratic Party dinner that there was absolutely no truth to the allegations of campaign funding fraud that the Republican Party recently leveled at her. She and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, spent the long Labor Day weekend campaigning for her re-election." She smiled slightly. "Honestly, Mulder, you haven't missed much. Nothing ever seems to change." "Does that mean I should just stay asleep?" Her head jerked up so violently to follow his whisper that she heard an audible snap. The newspaper fluttered from her hands as she scrambled forward, her fingers fumbling for his. The eyes that met hers were a bright green-gold, snapping with an amusement that was completely different from what she'd expected. She'd anticipated nothing but strained silence from him when he finally woke up, and she had steeled herself to receive it. But although his color had not changed, and he still seemed exhausted, his gaze held none of the contempt that she had feared. She blinked back a tear and coughed out a laugh. Her fingers closed around his, and she noted with a leaping heart when he squeezed hers back weakly. She opened her mouth to speak, but he was already ahead of her. "I've been waiting for you to read all morning. What took you so long?" Her heart was beating fast, as if she had just run a mile, and it was difficult to say anything around the clutching sensation in her throat, but she forced the words out. "You've been playing possum? I should have figured you would." He licked his dry lips. "After all this time, you still know me pretty well, Scully." It was not an admonishment, she knew, but her cheeks burned with a crimson flush all the same. She tried to sidestep that issue, knowing sooner or later they would come to it. "How are you feeling?" "Like Rip Van Winkle. Everything's still the same, but I know I've missed something." He stared at her, and she tried to read his look, but she was out of practice. The nervousness and excitement in her stomach propelled her to her feet. "I should go and wake Emily. She'll want to see you right away, I know." He cut off her turn with a clutch of her hand. "No, wait, Scully. Stay a minute." "Mulder--" "Sit down. We need to talk." She reached out her free hand and brushed her fingers across his brow, noting the sweat that had broken across his forehead. "We have plenty of time for that. I don't want you getting overly excited. It's too much too soon for you. Let me get Emily. She'll kill me if she doesn't get to see you." His voice, stronger but edged in emotion, stopped her cold a few steps away. "I know you're wondering, Scully." She didn't face him. "Don't, Mulder --" The breaking note was bright and sharp in her tone. "She is your daughter, Scully." She put out her hand to catch herself on the side rail of the bed. Damn him, she thought hotly as the tears spilled down her cheeks. Always so goddamned relentless, he never could stop when he should... Her hitching breath cut off her thoughts, the sobs pouring forth like an unexpected thunderstorm. In her peripheral vision, she saw him jerk forward, even though she knew he was weak and incapable of offering her any physical help. Somehow, their hands touched, and his fingers laced through hers, pulling her toward him. She let herself go, finding her head once again resting in the hollow of his shoulder where it met his chest. Beneath her cheek, his hospital gown dampened from her onslaught, but the dim sound of his heart beating seemed to soothe her. "I found her in 2000, in a research facility in New Mexico. She looked so much your Emily that I took her back to Washington with me. I had a doctor the Gunmen trusted run her PCRs, just like you did with your Emily in San Diego." He paused, and his low voice fell to a whisper. "They matched, Scully. They matched yours, and they matched Emily's. I think they were born at the same time, possibly even twins...but it's the damnedest thing, Scully. She's never been sick a day in her life. Whatever was wrong with your Emily...there's nothing wrong with her. She's perfectly healthy." She opened her eyes, and the look of gentle love that graced his mangled features speared her soul. "She's strong, Scully. Like mother, like daughter." "I didn't dare to hope when I saw the pictures she brought, Mulder. It just seemed too much like a fairy tale. I thought maybe she was...Diana's daughter." He grimaced. "No. Diana's been dead for a long time." She could see pain on his face, a signal to tread lightly. "I'm sorry, Mulder. What happened?" He swallowed and licked his lips again. "You were right not to trust her, Scully. I should have never let her back into my life. She keep me distracted. It worked for a while." He smiled wanly. "She gave me the tip about the facility in New Mexico. Apparently the Consortium wanted Emily for some reason. But she must have had a change of heart, and she somehow thwarted their plans. I think they killed her for that." He sighed. "But before then, I knew she was working against me, and we had split up. After she was murdered, it was just Emily and me" "You kept her safe." "I never understood it, Scully. I still don't. They never tried to touch her after that. Perhaps she wasn't what they thought she was." A hint of a smile tugged at her lips. "She's a beautiful young woman, Mulder. You did a good job. You're a good dad." "Except when I get myself abducted by aliens." His voice was nothing more than a croak now, and she straightened up, still keeping her hand in his. "You need to rest." She hesitated for a mere second and then pressed a brief kiss to his hairline. "I'll be back later, and we can talk more." He nodded and allowed her to slip out of the room as he closed his eyes and drifted into sleep. But she lingered in the corridor, watching from the tiny square window as the sun slanted its rays across the new morning, afraid to let him out of her sight, afraid to lose any more precious time. ***** "Did she make it OK?" He sat in the chair next to the window, his back straight beneath his colorless bathrobe. His hair was combed from his forehead in a wave, reminding her of the way he used to wear it when they first met. Clean-shaven and sweet-smelling, she was pleased to see he was able to do more and more for himself every day. She slapped the morning edition of the Times next to his ravaged breakfast tray and smiled. "You mean, aside from the fact that she's terribly disappointed you're not with her?" His lips curled into a grin, and she noted the healthy pink beneath the fading scars on his cheeks. "She's on her plane, heading back to Washington. And really, you shouldn't be far behind her." She crossed and sat in the chair opposite him. He pushed the rolling bed table from between them and looked at her. He was waiting, she knew, for something, and she wasn't entirely sure what it was he expected. But she knew what she needed to say. "You're recovering very well, Mulder. Another week, maybe less, and you can go home." She kept her tone as light as possible, even though the weight of that reality was heavy in her heart. "You always were a fast healer." "I always had a good doctor. I still do." Her smile widened and she looked away quickly. He continued, his next words extraordinary and unexpected. "I'm glad you were able to practice, Scully. I know you've helped a lot of people over the years with your work." It was time. The moment had come, and she couldn't back away from it. They hadn't spoken of anything from the past besides hints and fleeting comments about old times. He had opened up the door now, and she knew he was waiting to follow her through it. "I've thought a great deal about that decision, Mulder. The choice I made that Friday after we came back from Dallas." She took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean to leave you that way. I never imagined I wouldn't see you after that day." His face softened. "Scully, it was my decision, too. My choice. I've relived that moment more times than I can count. I could have gone after you, tried to convince you to stay...I could have returned your calls. I could have gone back to the F.B.I., tried to get the X-Files back--" This surprised her. "But I thought...I thought you and Diana were at the Bureau, working on the X-Files together..." "No." He shook his head. "I never went back. I still searched on my own, following an occasional lead from Skinner or the Gunmen. But it just wasn't the same." His gaze penetrated to the depths of her. "Not without you." "But your sister...your quest for the truth..." His eyes fluttered closed for a moment, and in that instant, she understood. "Oh, Mulder. I'm so sorry." "I'm not, Scully. I wouldn't have wanted her to live a life of lies and pain." He collected himself swiftly. "But I don't think we can know. I mean, how many different lives would we be leading if we made different choices? We don't know." "What if there was only one choice? And all the other ones were wrong? And there were signs along the way to pay attention to..." Her voice trailed off as she realized she had finally asked the one question that her mind had turned over for twelve long years, like a pirate contemplating a glittering bauble buried in the sand. She wondered now if she had discovered a treasure or a curse. Mulder hummed deep in his throat, obviously tumbling the idea through the passages of his own mind. "And what if you missed some of the signs along the way?" "Exactly." He sat forward in his chair, and she felt his fingers brush hers. Her hand opened reflexively, seeking the heat and the pressure of his touch, and she tucked hers inside of his gentle fist. "Then I think, Scully, you have to recognize that maybe the lessons that don't get learned are presented in another way. Maybe you come to the crossroads again, and you get another chance to choose a different path." His comment struck her hard, and shaking, she squeezed his hand. The words that she spoke shook, too. "I...I want to make the right choice this time, Mulder." "I do, too." His eyes glittered wet green. "I'm sorry, Scully, for not telling you about Emily. But when I found her, you were already married, and...I didn't know how we could fit into your life. If you would want us to fit in. You had what I thought you always wanted, and I couldn't upset that." The tears that threatened finally spilled from him, breaking his voice as well. "And she was so much like you, Scully, I couldn't bear to give her up. She was all of you that I had left." She pulled him closer, her arms around his neck, and they cried softly together. The moments slipped by as their emotions drained through them, countless fears and the unearthly burden of lost love washing out of them both. When her heaving chest finally slowed and the tears stopped flowing, she realized that she felt lighter than she could ever remember feeling. Finally she moved back, pressing her forehead against his. "Mulder," she began, choosing her words carefully. "You are Emily's father. Nothing will ever change that fact. But I--I would like to be a part of her life, somehow, if you will allow me to be." He lifted his head and peered at her. He didn't speak for a few moments, and her mind panicked, suddenly afraid that she had misjudged his intentions. "I have one condition, Scully." She gave a slow bob of her head to ask him to continue, not trusting her voice. "That you be a part of my life, too." Still not sure she could speak, she gave him the only answer she could. She kissed him softly, her lips hesitating slightly over his. He responded immediately, and as the moment spun out between them, she felt the dawn of a new day in the gray space of her heart. ***** The time on the courthouse clock read half past four, and she adjusted the straps on her heels one more time. He was late, but it was raining in torrents, and the traffic was atrocious. She didn't mind waiting. After all this time, it didn't seem like much of a burden. The door to the office banged open, and he strode in, soaking wet from head to foot. His dark hair stuck up from his head in tufts like overgrown grass, and she laughed, rising to meet him. He gestured helplessly at her, and she slowed him with a hand on his arm. "It's fine, don't worry. They're behind, too." He huffed out an impatient breath and stilled as she smoothed his hair and blotted his face with a tissue from her handbag. "It's raining like a son of a bitch," he said, as if her powers of observation had left her. "I know, Mulder." She raised herself on tiptoes and kissed him, and she felt the tension drain from his body as he melted into her. When their lips parted, she smiled at him. "Isn't it a beautiful day?" It rained on her wedding day, again. She couldn't have cared less. ***End*** AUTHOR'S NOTES: I started this story so long ago that I completely forgot it existed. I ended up sending out the snippet I had to the I Want to Believe List to see if anyone recognized it. We finally determined that it was mine, and something stirred me to finish it. But I have to give the most credit for this story actually being written to the support and encouragement of sallie. If it hadn't been for her, I would never have finished it. Thanks, doll, for your unwavering enthusiasm and your quick, fantastic beta. This one truly is just for you. Also, special thanks to Jenna, who made a lovely mix CD of MSR songs for some of us IWTBers. The song "Crossroads" by Don McLean was on there, and while I was finishing up this story, I realized how appropriate that song was to this piece. It also inspired me with the title, so here are the words: "Crossroads" by Don McLean I've got nothing on my mind, nothing to remember, Nothing to forget, and I've got nothing to regret. But I'm all tied up on the inside, No one knows quite what I've got, And I know that on the outside, What I used to be, I'm not, anymore. You know, I've heard about people like me, But I never made the connection. They walk one road to set them free And find they've gone the wrong direction. But there's no need for turning back Cause all roads lead to where I stand, And I believe I walk them all No matter what I may have planned. Can you remember who I was? Can you still feel it? Can you find my pain? Can you heal it? Then lay your hands upon me now And cast this darkness from my soul. You alone can light my way, You alone can make me whole once again. We've walked both sides of every street Through all kinds of windy weather. But that was never our defeat As long as we could walk together. So there's no need for turning back Cause all roads lead to where we stand, And I believe we walk them all No matter what we may have planned. Thanks for reading. Although I haven't been writing as much recently, perhaps I will see you again. And I'd love to hear what you think: Blessings!